Maccarone, Los Angeles, 2019


Golden Corny Entryway with Book Fountain
Gold leaf, styrofoam, wood, carpet, fish rocks, papier-mâché, ceramic, acrylic paint, fountain pumps


Excerpts: Pink Lattice Room Relations (Video)
Single-channel video


Pink Lattice Room Relations (Installation)
stair sculpture (wood, carpet), box (wood, papier-mâché), spray paint and gold leaf, ceramic breasts, baskets, motor, golden ceramic egg, worm (papier-mâché, resin, steel), wall (papier-mâché, flocking, fish rocks, epoxy, American flag, carpet)


Corn Fetish/Snake Fetish (Snake Video)
Single-channel video


Corn Fetish/Snake Fetish (Snake Painting)
Oil, acrylic, collage on board
48 x 60 inches

Corn Fetish/Snake Fetish (Corn Painting)
Oil, acrylic, collage, gold leaf on board
43 x 55 inches


Pink Lattice Room Relations (Painting)
Oil, acrylic, collage, and gold leaf on board
5.5 x 54.5 inches (framed)

Vulnerable Pink and Green Ladies (Painting)
Acrylic, oil, and collage on board
48 x 92 inches


Corn Fetish/Snake Fetish (Corn Video)
Single-channel video

Excerpt: Vulnerable Pink and Green Ladies (Video)
Single-channel video


Odalisque Sucks Worms (Basket on Display)
Gold leaf, collage, acrylic, oil paint, spray paint on board
43 x 41 inches (framed)

Headless Peril (On Display with Chicken)
Acrylic, oil, and collage on board, artist-made frame
20 x 20 inches (framed)


Two Heads, Two Ways
Acrylic, oil, and collage on board
60 x 60 inches

In Her Place (Don’t Tell)
crylic, oil, gold leaf, and collage on board
58.5 x 40 inches


Pink Front (Behind)
Papier-mâché, acrylic, and resin on board
36 x 42 inches

Excerpt: Boob Dance
Single-channel video


The Serpent Dance for the Red Witches (Red/Green Installation)
Carpet, wood bench, fabric, cotton, stuffing, fish tank rocks, foam, wood, braided steel string, spray paint


Excerpt: Serpent Dance for the Red Witches (Video)
Two-channel video

Eve and Eve (From the Serpent Dance for the Red Witches)
Acrylic, oil, collage on board
64 x 64 inches (framed)


Yolks and Pokes (Fertile Basket)
Egg tempera, collage, acrylic on board
76 x 46 inches (framed)

Polkadot Bedroom, Nightmare Set (Girl/ Monster)
Papier-mâché, resin, wood, carpet, synthetic grass, acrylic, bedding, vanity, nightstand, lamp, motorized doll, foam


excerpt: Polkadot Bedroom, Nightmare Set (Girl/Monster)
Two-channel video

Horny Ladies (Team Effort)
Acrylic, oil, and collage on reclaimed movie set backdrop
74.5 x 90 inches


Excerpt: Water Dance for the Country Queen

Single-channel video

Photo credit: Coley Brown